No 991. 6th November 1865.

PROCEEDINGS of INQUEST held upon the body of

Patrick Sheehan

At H.M. Gaol Beechworth

Received at the Crown Law Offices,

8th November 1865.

W.H. Gaunt Coroner.



An Inquisition for our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria, taken at Her Majesty’s Gaol in the township of Beechworth aforesaid, the sixth day of November A.D. 1865, in the Twenty ninth year of the Reign of our Lady the Queen, before me William Henry Gaunt. Gentleman, a Coroner of our Lady the Queen for the Colony of Victoria aforesaid, upon the view of the body of Patrick Sheehan then and there lying dead, upon the oaths of:

  • Peter Constantine Burke
  • George Bomiley
  • George Davis
  • Ambrose Williams
  • Frederick Dreyer
  • Richard Cosill
  • James Kyle
  • Charles Frederick Falere
  • Henry Ruxton
  • Jacob Van den Burgh
  • Robert Ransom
  • John Cope Garnett

Good and lawful men of Beechworth in the said colony who being duly sworn and charged to inquire, upon the part of our Lady the Queen, when, where, how, and by what means the said Patrick Sheehan came by his death, do say upon their oath that on the sixth day of November aforesaid within the walls of H.M. Gaol at Beechworth in the colony aforesaid the said Patrick Sheehan in pursuance of the sentence of the Supreme Court and by notice of the warrant of His Excellency Sir Charles Darling H.C.B. Governor of the colony aforesaid was hanged by the neck until his body was dead.

In witness whereof as well the aforesaid Coroner as the Jurors aforesaid, have to the inquisition put their hands and seals, on the day and year, and at the place above mentioned.

Signed William H Gaunt. Coroner.



The Examination of William Gore Brett – Sheriff – of Beechworth taken on oath this Sixth day of November A.D. 1865, at H.M. Gaol Beechworth before the undersigned, a coroner of the said colony. This Deponent William Gore Brett on his oath, saith as follows:

I am Sheriff of the Beechworth Circuit District. I produce a warrant signed by His Excellency Sir Charles Darling H.C.B. Governor of colony of Victoria authorizing the Execution of Patrick Sheehan whose body has now been shown to the jury in pursuance of that warrant Patrick Sheehan was executed this morning at the hour of half past eight o’clock.

Signed. W.G. Brett.

Taken and sworn before me the sixth day of November A.D. 1865, at Beechworth.

Signed William H. Gaunt. Coroner.



The Examination of John Buckley Castieau Governor of H.M. Gaol of Beechworth taken on oath this sixth day of November A.D. 1865, at H.M. Gaol Beechworth before the undersigned, a Coroner in the said colony. This Deponent John Buckley Castieau on his oath, saith as follows:

I am Governor of Her Majesty’s Gaol at Beechworth the body now shown to the jury is that of Patrick Sheehan who was sentenced to death at the last Circuit Court which commenced on October 19th 1865. The following in the entry in Gaol Registry. “Patrick Sheehan arrived in ship Telegraph at Sydney in 1854, born in 1834. Free when he arrived, native of Kilkenny and Blacksmith by trade”. I was present when sentence of death was passed upon Sheehan and the body shown to the jury is that of Patrick Sheehan, sentenced to death.

Signed J. B. Castieau.

Taken and sworn before me the sixth day of November A.D. 1865, at Beechworth.

Signed William H. Gaunt. Coroner.



The Examination of John C. Dempster M.D of Beechworth taken on oath this sixth day of November A.D. 1865, at Beechworth before the undersigned, a Coroner in the said colony. This Deponent John C. Dempster on his oath, saith as follows:

I am medical officer of the Gaol at Beechworth and am duly qualified medical practitioner. I was present this morning at half past eight o’clock at the execution of Patrick Sheehan and l have since made a post-mortem examination on the body. Dislocation of the vertebrae of the neck had taken place all the organs of the body were halt by death was the result of hanging.

Signed John C. Dempster. M.D.

Taken and sworn before me the sixth day of November A.D. 1865, at Beechworth.

Signed William H. Gaunt. Coroner.



No 364. 4th May 1867.

PROCEEDINGS of INQUEST held upon the body of

John Kelly

At H.M. Gaol Beechworth

Received at the Crown Law Offices,

7th May 1867.

F.R. Pohlman Coroner.



An Inquisition for our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria, taken at H.M. Gaol in the township of Beechworth aforesaid, the fourth day of May A.D. 1867, in the Thirtieth year of the Reign of our said Lady the Queen, before me Frederick R Pohlman. Gentleman, a Coroner of our Lady the Queen for the district of Beechworth aforesaid, upon the view of the body of John Kelly then and there lying dead, upon the oaths of:

  • Christopher Ghibon
  • Alfred George
  • Thomas Roache
  • Peter Constantine Burke
  • Henry Smythe
  • Phillip Perkins
  • Henry Turner
  • John Nichols
  • John Creighton
  • George Arkinstall
  • Thomas Hunt
  • John Townsend Hewitt

Good and lawful men of Beechworth in the said colony who being duly sworn and charged to inquire, upon the part of our Lady the Queen, when, where, how, and by what means the said John Kelly came by his death, do say upon their oath that the deceased John Kelly died from being hung by the neck in pursuance of a sentence passed upon him as the Circuit Court held at Beechworth on the 13th April last.

In witness whereof as well as the aforesaid Coroner as the Jurors aforesaid, have to the Inquisition put their hands and seals, on the day and year, and at the place above mentioned.

Signed F. R. Pohlman. Coroner.



The Examination of William Gore Brett, John Buckley Castieau and l John C. Dempster of Beechworth taken on oath this fourth day of May A.D. 1867, at Beechworth before the undersigned, a Coroner in the said district. This Despondent William Gore Brett on his oath, saith as follows:

Sheriff of Beechworth. I identify the body as that of John Kelly who was sentenced at the Circuit Court at Beechworth on the 13th April 1867 to death and hung by the neck this morning in pursuance of the warrant of His Excellency the Governor of Victoria. (warrant produced)

Signed W. G. Brett.

Taken and sworn before me at Beechworth this fourth day of May A.D. 1867.

F. R. Pohlman. Coroner.



This Despondent John Buckley Castieau on his oath, saith as follows:

I have seen the body it is that of John Kelly who was sentenced to death at the Beechworth Circuit Court on April 13th. I was present at the time that sentence was passed upon him.

Signed J. B. Castieau.

Taken and sworn before me at Beechworth this fourth day of May A.D. 1867.

Signed F. R. Pohlman. Coroner.



This Despondent John C. Dempster on his oath, saith as follows:

I am a legal qualified medical practitioner and surgeon of H. M. Gaol at Beechworth. I have seen the body shown to the jury and identify that as the body of John Kelly who was hung this morning. I made a post-mortem examination of the body and determine that the cause of death was fracture and dislocation of the cervical vertebrae caused by hanging.

Signed John C. Dempster M. D.

Taken and sworn before me at Beechworth this fourth day of May A.D. 1867.

Signed F. R. Pohlman. Coroner.



No 925. 11th November 1869.

PROCEEDINGS of INQUEST held upon the body of

James Smith

At H.M. Gaol Beechworth

Received at the Crown Law Offices,

18th November 1869.

Walter Butler. Coroner.



An Inquisition for our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria, taken at Beechworth in the colony of Victoria aforesaid, the eleventh day of November A.D. 1869, in the thirty-third year of the Reign of our said Lady the Queen, before me Walter Butler. Gentleman, a Coroner of our Lady the Queen for the colony of Victoria aforesaid, upon the view of the body of James Smith then and there lying dead, upon the oaths of:

  • Herbert Manson
  • Henry Farley
  • Frederick Dreyer
  • John Fitzgerald
  • William Phillips
  • William Ward
  • Donald Fletcher
  • James Dawson
  • Richard Williams
  • David Evans
  • James Mauphan
  • Alexander Thomson

Good and lawful men of Beechworth in the said colony who being duly sworn and charged to inquire, upon the part of our Lady the Queen, when, where, how, and by what means the said James Smith came by his death, do say upon their oath that he was hanged by the neck until he was dead in the Gaol at Beechworth under the warrant of His Excellency the Governor of Victoria and in pursuance of a sentence of death for murder passed upon him at the Circuit Court at Beechworth on the 15th October 1869 and that he died on the eleventh day of November in 1869

In witness whereof as well the aforesaid Coroner as the Jurors aforesaid, have to this Inquisition put their hands and seals, on the day and year, and at the place above mentioned.

Signed Walter Butler. Coroner.



The Examination of William Gore Brett, George Stewart, and John C. Dempster of Beechworth taken on oath this eleventh day of November A.D. 1869, at Beechworth before the undersigned, a Coroner in the said colony. This Deponent William Gore Brett on his oath, saith as follows:

I have seen the body of deceased James Smith he was a prisoner in the Beechworth Gaol and under sentence of death. I presented the warrant of His Excellency the Governor for his execution. He was hanged this morning at nine o’clock within the walls of the Gaol. I was present at his execution.

Signed W. G. Brett.

Taken and sworn before me at Beechworth this eleventh day of November A.D. 1869.

Signed Walter Butler. Coroner.



This Deponent George Stewart on his oath, saith as follows:

I am the Governor of the Beechworth Gaol. I have seen the body of James Smith. The deceased was a prisoner in the Gaol under sentence of death. I saw him hanged by the neck until he was dead this morning under the Governor’s warrant.

Signed George Stewart.

Taken and sworn before me at Beechworth this eleventh day of November A.D. 1869.

Signed Walter Butler. Coroner.



This Deponent John C. Dempster on his oath, saith as follows:

I am a legally qualified medical practitioner and the medical officer to the Beechworth Gaol. I have made an examination of the body of deceased James Smith. I saw him hanged this morning. I found the neck dislocated and fractured which was the cause of death.

Signed John C. Dempster. M. D.

Taken and sworn before me at Beechworth this eleventh day of November A.D. 1869.

Signed Walter Butler. Coroner.



No 902. 11th November 1871.

PROCEEDINGS of INQUEST held upon the body of

James Quinn

At H.M. Gaol Beechworth

Received at the Crown Law Offices,

15th November 1871.

James Henry Alley. Coroner.



An Inquisition for our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria, taken at the Gaol Beechworth in the colony of Victoria aforesaid, this eleventh day of November A.D. 1871, in the thirty-fifth year of the Reign of our said Lady the Queen, before me James Henry Alley. Gentleman, a Coroner of our Lady the Queen for the colony of Victoria aforesaid, upon the view of the body of James Quinn then and there lying dead, upon the oaths of:

  • Robert Ransom
  • David McNamara
  • Frederick Heuss
  • William Hyem
  • David Anderson
  • William Walton
  • Edwin Warden
  • Martin Lennan
  • George Younger
  • Alexander McLean
  • Charles Connors
  • William John Green

Good and lawful men of Beechworth in the said colony who being duly sworn and charge to inquire, upon the part of our Lady the Queen, when, where, how, and by what means the said James Quinn came by his death, do say upon their oath that the said James Quinn came by his death at the Gaol Beechworth on the 10th day of November instant from suffocation caused by hanging, in accordance with a sentence of death passed upon the said James Quinn at the Beechworth Circuit Court the 14th day of October last.

In witness whereof as well the aforesaid Coroner as the Jurors aforesaid, have to this Inquisition put their hands and seals, on the day and year, and at the place above mentioned.



The Examination of William G. Brett of Beechworth taken on oath this eleventh day of November A.D. 1871, at Beechworth before the undersigned, a Coroner in the said colony. The Deponent William G. Brett on his oath, saith as follows:

I am sheriff for the Beechworth Circuit District. I knew the deceased James Quinn. l produced the warrant under the hand of His Excellency the Governor for the execution of the said James Quinn who was, in accordance with the said warrant, yesterday hanged by the neck till he was dead.

Signed W. G. Brett.

Taken and sworn before me this eleventh day of November A.D. 1871. At Beechworth.

Signed J. H. Alley. Coroner.



The Examination of John C. Dempster of Beechworth taken on oath this eleventh day of November A.D. 1871, at Beechworth before the undersigned, a Coroner in the said colony. The Deponent John C. Dempster on his oath, saith as follows:

I am a legally qualified medical practitioner and the medical officer of the Beechworth Gaol. I have seen the body shown to the jury and identified it as that of James Quinn, whom l yesterday saw hanged by the neck till dead at Beechworth Gaol. I made a post-mortem examination of the body the neck was broken and there were internal evidences of death from suffocation. I have no doubt the cause of death was suffocation caused by hanging.

Taken and sworn before me this eleventh day of November A.D. 1871. At Beechworth.

Signed J. H. Alley. Coroner.



The Examination of Charles George Thompson of Beechworth taken on oath this eleventh day of November A.D. 1871, at Beechworth before the undersigned, a Coroner in the said colony. The Deponent Charles George Thompson on his oath, saith as follows:

I am the Governor of the Beechworth Gaol. I knew the deceased James Quinn, who was committed at the last Beechworth Circuit Court for murder, he has been in my custody ever since. Yesterday l delivered his living body to the sheriff, and l saw him hanged by the neck till he was dead. I identify the body now shown to the jury as that of the said James Quinn.

Taken and sworn before me this eleventh day of November A.D. 1871. At Beechworth.

Signed J. H. Alley. Coroner.



No 421. 12th May 1873.

PROCEEDINGS of INQUEST held upon the body of

James Smith

At H.M. Gaol Beechworth

Received at the Crown Law Offices,

14th May 1873.

Walter Butler. Coroner.



An Inquisition for our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria, taken at the Gaol Beechworth in the colony of Victoria aforesaid, this twelfth day of November A.D. 1871, in the thirty-sixth year of the Reign of our said Lady the Queen, before me Walter Butler. Gentleman, a Coroner of our Lady the Queen for the colony of Victoria aforesaid, upon the view of the body of James Smith then and there lying dead, upon the oaths of:

  • Daniel O’Sullivan
  • Robert Williams
  • Robert Shard
  • Stephen Vines
  • Michael Irvine
  • John Dunbar
  • Samuel Broadhead
  • Mathew Hole
  • Lafayeth Broadhead
  • Michael Greely
  • Frederick Heuss
  • Alexander Bell

Good and lawful men of Beechworth in the said Colony, who being duly sworn and charged to inquire upon the part of our Lady the Queen, when, where, how, and by what means the said James Smith came by his death, do say upon their oath that the said James Smith came by his death by being hanged by the neck until he was dead on the 12th May 1873 in Beechworth Gaol by virtue of a warrant of His Excellency the Governor of Victoria.

In witness whereof as well the aforesaid Coroner as the Jurors aforesaid, have to this Inquisition put their hands and seals, on the day and year, and at the place above mentioned.

Signed Walter Butler. Coroner



The Deponent William Gore Brett on his oath, saith as follows:

I am sheriff for the Beechworth circuit district. I have seen the body of James Smith now on view deceased, he was this morning handed over to me for execution by virtue of a warrant produced, signed by His Excellency the Governor and by virtue of that warrant the deceased was hanged by his neck until he was dead in my presence, in Beechworth Gaol this twelfth day of May 1873.

Signed W. G. Brett.

Taken and sworn before me this twelfth day of May A.D. 1873. At Beechworth.

Signed Walter Butler. Coroner.



The Deponent Charles George Thompson on his oath, saith as follows:

I am the Governor of the Beechworth Gaol. I have seen the body of James Smith deceased now on view. He came under my charge on the 1st November last on a warrant from the Beechworth Police Court on the charge of murder heard again on the 18th April last after he was tried at the Circuit Court at Beechworth and sentenced to death. He remained in my custody until this morning the 12th May last l handed his body over to the sheriff for execution. I saw him executed.

Signed C. G. Thompson.

Taken and sworn before me this twelfth day of May A.D. 1873. At Beechworth.

Signed Walter Butler. Coroner.



The Deponent William Walsh on his oath, saith as follows:

I am a legally qualified medical practitioner and the medical officer of Beechworth Gaol. I have seen the body of James Smith now on view, l saw him this morning hanged by the neck until he was dead. The cause of death was hanging.

Signed William Walsh.

Taken and sworn before me this twelfth day of May A.D. 1873. At Beechworth.

Signed Walter Butler. Coroner.



No 422. 12th May 1873.

PROCEEDINGS of INQUEST held upon the body of

Thomas Brady

At H.M. Gaol Beechworth

Received at the Crown Law Offices,

14th May 1873.

Walter Butler. Coroner.



An Inquisition for our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria, taken at the Gaol Beechworth in the colony of Victoria aforesaid, this twelfth day of November A.D. 1871, in the thirty-sixth year of the Reign of our said Lady the Queen, before me Walter Butler. Gentleman, a Coroner of our Lady the Queen for the colony of Victoria aforesaid, upon the view of the body of Thomas Brady then and there lying dead, upon the oaths of:

  • Daniel O’Sullivan
  • Robert Williams
  • Robert Shard
  • Stephen Vines
  • Michael Irvine
  • John Dunbar
  • Samuel Broadhead
  • Mathew Hole
  • Lafayeth Broadhead
  • Michael Greely
  • Frederick Heuss
  • Alexander Bell

Good and lawful men of Beechworth in the said Colony, who being duly sworn and charged to inquire upon the part of our Lady the Queen, when, where, how, and by what means the said Thomas Brady came by his death, do say upon their oath that the said Thomas Brady came by his death by being hanged by the neck until he was dead on the 12th May 1873 in Beechworth Gaol by virtue of a warrant of His Excellency the Governor of Victoria.

In witness whereof as well the aforesaid Coroner as the Jurors aforesaid, have to this Inquisition put their hands and seals, on the day and year, and at the place above mentioned.

Signed Walter Butler. Coroner



The Deponent William Gore Brett on his oath, saith as follows:

I am sheriff for the Beechworth circuit district. I have seen the body of Thomas Brady now on view deceased, he was handed over to me this morning by the Governor of the Beechworth Gaol for execution by virtue of a warrant of His Excellency the Governor. I saw him hanged by the neck till he was dead in Beechworth Gaol this twelfth day of May 1873.

Signed W. G. Brett. 

Taken and sworn before me this twelfth day of May A.D. 1873. At Beechworth.

Signed Walter Butler. Coroner.



The Deponent Charles George Thompson on his oath, saith as follows:

I am the Governor of the Beechworth Gaol. I have seen the body of Thomas Brady deceased now on view. He first came under my charge on the 1st November last under a warrant for murder from the Beechworth Police Court heard again on the 18th April last after he was tried at the Circuit Court at Beechworth and sentenced to death. l handed him over to the sheriff this morning for execution. I saw him hanged.

Signed C. G. Thompson.

Taken and sworn before me this twelfth day of May A.D. 1873. At Beechworth.

Signed Walter Butler. Coroner.



The Deponent William Walsh on his oath, saith as follows:

I am a legally qualified medical practitioner residing at Beechworth and the medical officer of Beechworth Gaol. I have seen the body of Thomas Brady now on view, l saw him hanged by the neck this morning in the Beechworth Gaol. The cause of death was hanging.

Signed Walter Butler. 

Taken and sworn before me this twelfth day of May A.D. 1873. At Beechworth.

Signed Walter Butler. Coroner.



No 506. 9th June 1879.

PROCEEDINGS of INQUEST held upon the body of

Thomas Hogan

At H.M. Gaol Beechworth

Received at the Crown Law Offices,

10th June 1879.

William Henry Foster. Coroner.



An Inquisition for our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria, taken at Her Majesty’s Gaol at Beechworth in the Northern Bailiwick in the Colony of Victoria in aforesaid, the ninth day of June A.D. 1879 in the forty-second year of the Reign of our Lady the Queen, before me William Henry Foster. Gentleman, a Coroner of our Lady the Queen for the said Colony, upon the view of the body of Thomas Hogan then and there lying dead, upon the oaths of:

  • Frederick Heuss
  • Carl Esther
  • Andrew Meyer
  • John Portman
  • Henry Mignot
  • Frederick Dreyer
  • Maurice Flynn
  • John Lascelles
  • Daniel O’Sulllivan
  • William John Greer
  • Heinrich Branders
  • Thomas Langton

Good and lawful men of Beechworth in the said Colony, who being duly sworn and charged to inquire, upon the part of our Lady the Queen, when, where, how, and by what means the said Thomas Hogan came by his death, do say upon their oath we find that the body we have this day viewed is that of Thomas Hogan and that he came by his death this ninth day of June 1879 at Her Majesty’s Gaol at Beechworth by being hanged by his neck until his body was dead in pursuance of the sentence of the Court of Assize at Beechworth passed on the sixth day of May 1879.

In witness whereof as well the aforesaid Coroner, as Jurors aforesaid, have to this inquisition put their hands and seals, on the day and year, and at the place above mentioned.

Signed W. H. Foster. Coroner.



This Deponent William Gore Brett on his oath saith, I am the sheriff for the Northern Bailiwick residing at Beechworth. I produced the Governor’s warrant for the execution of the deceased Thomas Hogan and by virtue of this warrant l received his body from the Governor of the Gaol at Beechworth. I witnessed the sentence of death carried out by hanging. The body I have seen in the gaol today is that of the said Thomas Hogan.

Signed W.G. Brett.

Taken and sworn by me, the 9th day of June, 1879, at Her Majesty’s Gaol Beechworth.

Signed W. H. Foster.



This Deponent Charles George Thompson on his oath saith, l am the Governor of H. M. Gaol at Beechworth. I knew the deceased Thomas Hogan. He was in my custody upon warrant in Beechworth Gaol under sentence of death. This morning l delivered his body to the sheriff for the Northern Bailiwick and afterwards witnessed the sentence of death carried into effect by hanging. The body that l have seen in the Gaol is the body of the said Thomas Hogan.

Signed C. G. Thompson. 

Taken and sworn by me, the 9th day of June, 1879, at Her Majesty’s Gaol Beechworth.

Signed W. H. Foster.



This Deponent William Augustus Dobbyn on his oath saith, I am a duly qualified medical practitioner and medical officer at Her Majesty’s Gaol Beechworth residing at Beechworth. I knew the prisoner Thomas Hogan under sentence of death in Beechworth Gaol and have seen him frequently since the time when he was condemned to death. I was present at his execution by hanging this morning at a little after 11 am. I made a post-mortem examination of his body. When l saw the body the face was pale and quite tranquil. The eyes had been closed by some of the attendants but the pupils were dilated. His lips were purple the tongue congested and slightly protruding between the teeth it was also sightly marked on the left side. The fingers were purplish but not clenched. The body was warm and quite limp. I found a rope round the neck of the deceased with a knot of the rope corresponding under the left ear. On loosening the rope l found deep ecchymosis. I found the skin was cut right through about an inch wide extending from the right ear to the top of the left ear exactly where the knot of the rope was. Life was perfectly extinct. I examined the neck and found that there was dislocation of odontoid process of the second vertebrae from the atlas. Dislocation was complete and in my opinion caused instant death.

Signed W. A. Dobbyn.

Taken and sworn by me, the 9th day of June, 1879, at Her Majesty’s Gaol Beechworth.

Signed W. H. Foster.



No 604. 6th June 1881.

PROCEEDINGS of INQUEST held upon the body of

Robert Rohan.

At H.M. Gaol Beechworth

Received at the Crown Law Offices,

8th June 1881.

William Henry Foster. Coroner.



An Inquisition for our Sovereign Lady Queen, taken at The Gaol Beechworth in the Colony of Victoria aforesaid, the sixth day of June A.D. 1881 in the forty-fourth year of the Reign of our said Lady the Queen, before me William Henry Foster. Gentleman, a Coroner of our Lady the Queen for the said Colony, upon the view of the body of Robert Rohan alias Robert Smith, then and there lying dead, upon the oaths of:

  • John Fletcher
  • James Hickey
  • Herbert S. Muir
  • Michael H. Dodd
  • George P. Masterman
  • Robert Golding
  • George Govett
  • William Jacobs
  • Alfred W. Foster
  • George Dennet
  • Robert Ransom
  • James Ingram

Good and lawful men of Beechworth in the said Colony, who being duly sworn and charged to inquire, upon the part of our Lady the Queen, when, where, how, and by what means the said Robert Rohan alias Robert Smith came by his death, do say upon oath Robert Rohan alias Robert Smith came by his death this day at the Gaol Beechworth from being hanged by the neck in pursuance of the sentence of a Court of Assize holden at Beechworth on May 6th last past and in obedience of the Governor of the Colony.

In witness whereof as well the aforesaid Coroner as the Jurors aforesaid, have to this Inquisition put their hands and seals, on the day and year, and at the place above mentioned.

Signed W. H. Foster. Coroner.



This Deponent William Gore Brett on his oath saith, I am Sheriff of the Northern Bailiwick residing in Beechworth. I have seen the body outside, it is that of Robert Rohan who has been in my custody in Beechworth Gaol under sentence of death for murder. I produced the Governor’s warrant for his execution. The person accused in the warrant is the deceased, and in pursuance of that warrant he Robert Rohan was this day executed in my presence according to law.

Signed W. G. Brett.

Taken and sworn before me, the sixth day of June, 1881, at Beechworth.

Signed W. H. Foster. Coroner.



This Deponent Henry Tregellas Fox on his oath saith, l am a duly qualified medical practitioner and medical officer of the Gaol at Beechworth. I this morning witnessed the execution of Robert Rohan alias Robert Smith in the Beechworth Gaol. The body viewed by the jury is that of the same man. Death was caused by hanging by the neck.

Signed H. T. Fox.

Taken and sworn before me, the sixth day of June, 1881, at Beechworth.

Signed W. H. Foster. Coroner.



This Deponent Henry Williams on his oath saith, I am Governor of the Beechworth Gaol. I was present as a Court of Assize holden at Beechworth on May 6th last past. I heard His Honor Mr Justice Stephens sentence one Robert Rohan otherwise Robert Smith to be hanged by the neck till he was dead. I this day received a warrant from the last witness (the sheriff) ordering the execution in Beechworth Gaol of Robert Rohan otherwise Robert Smith and l saw that execution this day performed. The body just now viewed by the jury is that of the man l saw sentenced at the Court of Assize on May 6th last past.

Signed Henry Williams.

Taken and sworn before me, the sixth day of June, 1881, at Beechworth.

Signed W. H. Foster. Coroner.

Sourced from the Public Records Office of Victoria.